Hi there :-) thanks for vistting this website after all those years. If you're here for the very first time, you are very welcome to have a look around, but be warned,
this page hasn't been touched in eleven years, it's full of bugs and very outdated.
To those of you who have been here before welcome back! and thank you for still spreading the Common Rotation gospel!
Someone made a post on Common Rotations official Facebook page a few days ago, that made me very nostalgic. I truly miss those guys!
It's been a while since 2007 and I'm not sure if anyone actually cares or if this is just for me, but I decided to put a little work in and bring this website
a little up to date. That being said....those windows 95 screencaps are going to stay ;-)
It's more about adding and fixing stuff and not really about removing any content that isn't suitable for 2018 anymore.
Not done yet, but I already started working on their discography.
Retrieving all the information on all those gigs that they played over the past 11 years, will probably take a lot of time, so any help on that would be
highly appreciated! Same goes for lyrics. If there's anything you would like to contribute or if you just like to reminisce about the good old days, send me an e-mail to:
jess [at] commonrotation.de
July 15th, 2007
Since not everyone is checking the official message board, a quick update on what has happened over the past couple of weeks.
me and the girls talked it over again and..no, no changes on the update situation, but we decided that we will leave this site online
as an archive. Well, at least as long as the guys are playing and no one else comes up with a site more up to date.
Dana has kindly offered us to host the media files on the unionmaid archive, and rescue them from the way to the data-graveyard.
All* files have been moved, but you should still be able to download them from here. If anyone who has contributed files over the
years is worried about proper credit, technically there aren't any changes. File credit is still on the download page, and
the file name also hasn't changed. The only difference is the server on where the audios are rockin'
*recordings by Skylar and/or Coro.de have been re-sampled and moved to coro.de. the URL "www.coro-media.de"
will be deleted in a few couple of days
If you experience any trouble in downloading the files, PLEASE let me know, so that I can fix it. All e-mail addresses
have been re-activated and you can reach me at jess@commonrotation.de, contact@commonrotation.de or mail@commonrotation.de.
Please put something obvious in the subject line, I get about 100 junk mails a day, and it's pretty hard to figure
real mails out of those.
NOTE: Files can only be downloaded from single timeline sites so far. It will take me some time to fix
single lyric pages and this is not going to happen by tomorrow
June 19th, 2007
As posted on the official message board
Hello everyone!
It's probably been a while since you last catched me posting on this board (or anywhere else on the net, CoRo related)
As you may have noticed, updates on commonrotation.de have become pretty rare over the time, and every update was filled with just another (lame) excuse for missing updates, or updates taking time that long, followed by a promise, that things will change...
When Fio and I started the website about 4 years ago, I was still in school and had lots of time to keep the site running, keep it up to date, spend nights on the internet to dig for things that had been long forgotten about and most important I had the heart to do all those things!!
It's been a while since then and if you ask trulla and Fio they will probably tell you, that I'm talking about closing commonrotation.de for about a year now. I just tried to keep the site running, because it was "the" database for almost everything, and I knew that Fio and trulla would have been the first to kill me.
Well... I tried, and I failed! commonrotation.de is pretty much out of date, and to be honest, I don't even have a clue on what the guys are working on!
About a week ago, trulla and I sat together to discuss a new "intelligent" layout for the website, I was in for the idea of trying something new that could hopefully safe me some time in updating. I still don't know what I would do without trulla an her web skills. Coro.de would probably still be framey in black and white or would have died two years ago.
I was thinking about the new layout for the past couple of days. Close to 900 pages that would have to be re-coded AGAIN ?! A fresh layout sounds great and motivating, but in the end.. it didn't worked out for me the last time. So I decided to make up my mind, before we start to remodel everything.
I don't have the time anymore, that I would need to run coro.de in a proper way, and most important, I lost most of my general interest in taking that time! There have been quite a few major changes in my life lately, and I know that time is getting even more rare.
All the good things have come to an end.. well commonrotation.de stopped beeing "good", about 18 month ago, when I stopped putting my heart into it...anyways... to make a long story short, and finally come the point of what this is all about...I'm not going to update commonrotation.de anymore. I'm also not sure if I will keep the site online, or take it offline by the end of this year.
If there is anyone out there, with the heart and energy to take over the site, feel free to contact me at loose[dot]cannon[at]gmx[dot]de but for now, it's the end of commonrotation.de
May 17th, 2007